CTRL-C, CTRL-V (repeat)

“Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories,” according to prominent research psychologist Robert Epstein (2016). So why do we often speak about teaching as a transfer of information? The so-called “transmission approach” (Open University), while rejected by many practising teachers and educational theorists, remains at the core of popular understandings of … Continue reading CTRL-C, CTRL-V (repeat)

Do Androids Dream of Electric Teachers?

We have heard this before: due to cognitive computing, fewer and fewer jobs will be safe from automation. Not just repetitive jobs. Robots will soon master skills that we thought could only be acquired by humans through higher education (Frey & Osborne, 2017). Automated teaching, employing robots that adapt to the learning style of their … Continue reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Teachers?